NetworkOnCard Mode of Operation
This is a very convenient system if a person has a single-door authorization for one door.
If several persons have the same single-door authorization and only one of the credentials has a
newer »valid from« date, all other credentials are denied access at the door concerned.
For the sequence block, the data and time are decisive.
The »valid from« date stored in the NetworkOnCard component can be reset by means of a door
initialization process. Thereafter, any door with the appropriate single-door authorization can open the
door, regardless of its »valid from« date.
3.5 Opening doors
3.5.1 Opening the door with a credential
In order to open a door that has been secured with a NetworkOnCard component proceed as follows with
a standard credential.
Hold the credential into the reading range of the NetworkOnCard component.
If you are authorized, you can open the door within the set door opening time.
If you are using a credential with the Permanent Opening function, only hold the credential in front of
the reading unit as long as the LEDs are flashing. Holding the credential in front of the reading unit for
longer than three seconds will activate the Permanent Opening function.
Signaling: Valid booking
PegaSys 2.0: GREEN --- GREEN --- GREEN
PegaSys from 2.1: GREEN
Booking memory entry:
Valid booking performed at a single door
at a door group
Signaling: Invalid booking
RED --- RED --- RED
Booking memory entry:
Card blocked
invalid access authorization
expired credential validity
, or booking
was carried out outside the specified time window.
Remedy: Change the authorizations assigned to this credential, if necessary.
3.5.2 Activating/deactivating the permanently open mode
If you use a credential that is equipped with the permanently open function, you can switch the
NetworkOnCard component to the
permanently open
mode, in which the door can be opened without
requiring another booking. Furthermore you can deactivate the permanently open mode again.
Activating the permanently open mode
If you hold the credential that is equipped with the permanently open function in front of the read unit
for more than three seconds, the door is switched to the "permanently open" status. Thereafter, the
door can be opened without making another booking.
Credential with standard function and permanently open function:
Signaling for a credential that only has the permanently open function:
Booking memory entry:
Door permanently open
Deactivating the permanently open mode
Hold the credential at the read unit of the permanently open door for more than three seconds.
This deactivates the permanently open mode.
Credential with standard function and permanently open function:
GREEN --- GREEN --- long RED