NetworkOnCard Mode of Operation
As the blocking list card does not contain any device-specific data, it can be used at all NetworkOnCard
The data of credentials that are blocked and whose validity has already expired are not written to the
blocking list card.
Unblocking a credential
If a blocked credential has to be reactivated, you have to disable the blocking via the credential
administration functions of the access control system and download the updated list to the
NetworkOnCard components using the blocking list card.
Upload Card
The upload card allows you to read all the booking data from the memory of a NetworkOnCard
component and upload this data to the computer. If you hold this system card to the reading unit, the
booking data is transferred from the device to the card.
As one upload card has a capacity to buffer up to 190 (140 if MIFARE is used) of 2,000 bookings, several
upload cards are needed to read all the data from the memory. The bookings recorded last are
transmitted first. Once the booking data has successfully been written to the card, it is deleted from the
booking memory of the NetworkOnCard component. The booking data is then transferred from the card to
the higher-ranking host computer. While being transmitted to the host computer, the booking data is
deleted on card.
See also
Signaling: Data transmission .................................................................................................. 33
Diagnostics card
With the diagnostics card, an authorized service technician can read out the internal diagnostics memory.
NFC Card (only for LEGIC)
You require the NFC card in connection with the
PegaSys Mobile
software. If connections cannot be
established with LEGIC devices, hold the provided NFC card briefly on the offline device.
3.3 Outline of Parameterization of »NetworkOnCard« in Interflex Access Control
The NetworkOnCard components are run together with an Interflex control system, e.g. the IF-60x0
The access control systems provide the following options for example:
Easy and fast management of NetworkOnCard components and derived NetworkOnCard structures
(door groups / NoC groups, door profiles / NoC profiles),
Person record management with credential management,
Assigning access authorizations for NetworkOnCard components,
Setting up time models for time restrictions of access authorizations for certain persons.
You will find more detailed information on managing and configuring NetworkOnCard devices in the
access control systems of Interflex in the corresponding documentation of the systems.
3.4 Credentials and booking types
A credential is an identification medium (such as a chip card or a key tag). Each credential contains a
"Unique ID" (UID). Each UID is only available once globally. It is read by the door fitting.
The user performs a booking with his credential at a NetworkOnCard component. Depending on the
credential type, different functions are available.
Credential type
Credential with standard function
Credential with which the credential holder makes a
booking at a NetworkOnCard component to open a door
(single opening). The door is subsequently secured by
the NetworkOnCard component again.