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7. As the Jackbeam raises the vehicle, the load on the Jackbeam is transferred from the rollers to
the lift. The roller assemblies on the Jackbeam are spring loaded and are meant to carry the
weight of the Jackbeam only. When load is applied, the structure cannot be moved.
8. When the vehicle is raised to the desired working height, lower the Jackbeam onto the nearest
safety lock before servicing the vehicle, refer back to section “
5.0 Operation Instructions
9. To lower the vehicle, refer back to section “
5.0 Operation Instructions
Do not raise lift while vehicle is supported by the Jackbeams.
Failure to adhere may cause vehicle damage and/or personal injury.
8.0 Recommended Maintenance
1. Inspect that the Jackbeam is in proper working condition.
2. Make certain that the automatic engaging safety drops into place when the Jackbeam is raised
and that it will release when held in the up position during lowering.
3. Inspect air/hydraulic system for leaks.
4. Inspect for loose bolts, broken/damaged components. Replace as required.
5. Keep the entire Jackbeam as clean as possible at all times.
6. Ensure that the lifting arm stops are working correctly. Fully extend each arm until the stop
7. Inspect condition and stack ability of lifting pads. Replace any broken or damaged
8. Check filter lubricator oil level and fill if needed. Hydraulic oil: ISO 32 (10 weight).
1. Keep the air source clean and make certain that an air filter is used to keep dirt out of the air
motor. To maintain a clean shop air supply, an FRL (Filter/Regulator/Lubricator) should always
be in good working order in conjunction with the use of an oiler/separator.
NOTE: It is the user(s) responsibility to supply an air filter/lubricator to ensure a clean dry air
source is provided to the air/hydraulic pump. Failure to provide clean dry air may void
manufacturers’ warranty. Please contact customer service regarding Optional Kit # 0100.
2. Check functionality of the rollers, keep clean.