Energy 18 – User Guide
motor oil,
a toolbox with:
combined pliers,
a selection of open end spanners,
an electrical tape (insulating tape),
a hammer,
several replacement components (fuses, light bulbs, screws, etc.),
a replacement propeller.
3.5 Rescue equipment
Even very good swimmers can become quickly tired and drown due to exhaustion,
hypothermia or both. Thanks to the rescue equipment, the person who fell into the water
can keep himself above the surface of the water with considerably less effort and
unnecessary use of body temperature. This raises the chances of survival significantly. The
conductor of the vessel must make sure that there is one life jacket for each person on
board. Before each navigation, he must also indicate to the passengers on board where
the life jackets are and how to use them properly. The life jackets must be on easy reach.
The best option would be if the life jackets would be worn by the passengers during the
navigation. Before purchasing the life jackets, make sure that they feature all the
certificates of suitability. It is also necessary to check at least once a year their floatation
and look for any damages.
3.6 Emergency situations
In order to avoid navigating into dangerous areas, sunken wreckages, shallows, dangerous
currents and similar, it is necessary to
plan a navigational route
, by using adequate
nautical maps and navigational tools properly and by taking into account the guidelines of
experienced conductors and sailors as well as the weather changes and the tide. If you
navigate in unknown waters, reduce the speed of the navigation and pay attention to the
surroundings in order to avoid collision with another vessel or ay dangers in the water.