After heating period it is recommended to remove the remaining pellet from the hopperand store it according toinstructions in the first
The exhaust gas pipe and its components should be cleaned in detail (at least once during the season) to prevent the risk of fire.
Combustion chamber gaskets should be checked for consumption tear because it can result in poor combustion process. Open the door
and check integrity of combustion chamber gaskets.
Emergency maintenance
This chapter is specifically intended for technicians and specialized personnelcalled to intervene on our productand offer useful instruction
for operations necessary in order to maintain the perfect condition of the device.
Thorough and precise maintenance of the equipment is recommended every season.
ATTENTION: Special maintenance operations on the system must be performed by qualified personnel while the stove is cold and
disconnected from power supply.
ATTENTION: The stove can be disconnected from the power supply in two ways: switching off the rear side power keyor pulling out
the power cord from the socket (either the wall socket or stove rear side connection plug).
In case the maintenance operations described in previous chapters turn out to be insufficient (unusual device functioning, low yield, fuel
over - combustionetc.) and every two years, no meter what, a technician must be calledto perform the detailed cleaningof components in direct
contact with thermal vector fluids.
The product is equipped with the upper access for pipe cleaning performed 1
2 times per season.The frequency may vary depending on
conditions of use.
To use the access remove the stove cover.
After removing the cover, loosen the fixing boltsin order to access the pipe cover (see partmarked A in Figure 6.3).
Now you can continue with cleaning using a brush or a vacuum cleaner.
Steel fan of the smoke discharge unit and its base must be cleaned at least once every two years.
The smoke discharge unit (marked A in Figure 6.4) can be accessed by removing the stove cover and loosening the fixing bolts.
Once accessed, the fan can be removed by loosening three bolts holding it to this unit.
: Cleaning can be easily performed by vacuum cleaner.