ALFA IN a.s ©
To achieve high quality cutting and to avoid serious disturbances to the torch it
is highly advised to include the air filter.
Pos. Item No
Filter for plasma DFP 6 R3/8
Set for addition filter DFP to plasma
Press the torch trigger. The pilot arc will ignite. Then you have to
immediately attach the torch to the cut material. At this point begins to burn
the main arc between the torch and the material.
Move the torch with a constant speed. Cutting speeds vary according to
torch output amperage, the type of material being cut, and operator skill.
Output current setting or cutting speeds may be reduced to allow slower
cutting when following a line, or using a template or cutting guide while still
producing cuts of excellent quality
To achieve a good cutting quality make sure the distance between the tip
and the material is about 2 mm. The Standoff Guide ABI25/45 pos 21
located at the end of the plasma torch guarantees the distance .At a
greater distance decreases cutting power and the arc may go off. With too
small distance the torch parts will be worn off faster.
Plasma cutting may be done in all possible positions (vertically,
horizontally, overhead, vertical ascending and descending), but as far as
possible choose primarily horizontal cut. In other positions the operator is
increasingly threatened by flying drops of molten material.
We recommend starting cutting at the edge of the material. If needed to
start from the centre of the material, or to cut hole into the material, slightly
tilt the torch head and gradually it straighten into a vertical position so the
spraying material would not damage the cutting tip (see Figure 3). This
workflow must always be followed, if the thickness of material is above