Chapter 1 - Setting Up
QuadraVerb 2 Reference Manual
Mono In - Stereo Out. If you only want to feed the QuadraVerb 2 a mono input,
but wish to connect both of its outputs back to the mixer, you will need three 1/4"
audio cables. Connect a cable from an effect send to the [R] INPUT of the
QuadraVerb 2, another cable from the [L] OUTPUT of the QuadraVerb 2 to an effect
return or other mixer input, and another cable from the [R] OUTPUT of the
QuadraVerb 2 to an adjacent mixer input.
Aux Send 1
Right Input
Right Output
Left Output
Aux Return or Input Channel
Aux Return or Input Channel
Stereo In - Stereo Out. This connection is similar to the one described above.
However, by utilizing two sends from the mixer, we add one more cord and can now
send a stereo signal to the QuadraVerb 2’s inputs. Example, if you connected effect
sends 3 and 4 to the [L] and [R] INPUTS, and had a stereo instrument (such as a
keyboard) connected to two channel inputs of the mixer (either one panned hard left
and hard right), you would send the left channel to send 3 and the right channel to
send 4. Alternatively, you could have two discrete effect sends between the Left and
Right channel, and process each separately within the QuadraVerb 2. For example,
the Left channel (from send 3) could be a chorus, and the Right (from send 4) could be
a reverb. This is similar to Dual Mono, described earlier.
Aux Send 3
Right Input
Right Output
Left Output
Aux Return or Input Channel
Aux Return or Input Channel
Aux Send 4
Left Input
Using Inserts
By using individual channel inserts, you can dedicate the QuadraVerb 2 to a specific
channel (or pair of channels) on the mixer. The Insert connections on the back of the
mixer provide a way of “inserting” external processing equipment into the signal path.
The insert occurs after the input amplifier, and before the main fader; essentially it is
the same as connecting the source (instrument or microphone) into the QuadraVerb
2 before the mixer’s channel input. However, some mixing console’s inserts come
after the EQ section, and may therefore be different from the original signal.