Setting Up - Chapter 1
QuadraVerb 2 Reference Manual
Usually, insert connections require a special, stereo-splitting Y-cord to be connected
(one stereo plug provides both send and return while two mono plugs connect
separately to an input and output). These are known as TRS connectors (tip-ring-
sleeve). The tip of the stereo plug typically carries the send or output of the insert
jack, while the ring carries back the return. The sleeve represents a common ground
for both signals. Check the manual of your mixer because some are wired differently
(for example, having two separate jacks for send and receive).
Mono. This involves connecting a 1/4" TRS (tip-ring-sleeve) to the Insert jack of a
single channel on a mixing console. The other end of the cable (which splits into two,
1/4" mono connectors) are connected to the [R] INPUT and [R] OUTPUT,
respectively. If you do not hear any audio after making these connections, swap the
input and output cables at the QuadraVerb 2, as these may be wired backwards. If the
cable is color-coded, usually the red jack represents the send (which connects to the
QuadraVerb 2’s INPUT) and black is the return (which connects to the OUTPUT).
Right Input
Right Output