-The external CV inputs are assignable per Program to any of the
available individual destinations:
-Oscillator 1 Linear FM amount from Oscillator 2
-Oscillator 1 Exponential FM amount from Oscillator 2
-Oscillator 1 Pulse Width
-Oscillator 2 Exponential FM
-Oscillator 2 Pulse Width
-Note that selection of the Oscillator CV input negates the
availability of the analog noise path to the same oscillator
-Note that Andromeda’s Oscillators and Filters can be swept
across their entire range by relatively small amounts of
external voltage.
-Note that this control path is not capable of being calibrated
by the microprocessor and that there will be audible variance
between voices when using it. Optimization can be done by
using an input voltage that swings between zero and five volts
DC. For repeatable behaviour, use a particular Voice in Mono mode
and set the input amount to best function with your external
To set up continuous Oscillator modulation:
-Press the OSC button in the External Inputs section.
-Select a Mod in the target oscillator and select a Destination
with the EXT-> signifier.
-Turn up the OFFSET to pass the external signal.
To set up dynamic Oscillator modulation:
-Press the OSC button in the External Inputs section.
-Select a Mod in the target Oscillator(s) and select a Destination
with the EXT-> signifier.
-Leave OFFSET at zero; select a Source such as VOX KEY ON VEL
and then set a LEVEL. The Source will modulate the amount of
External CV signal to the selected Destination.
To set up continuous Filter modulation:
-Press the FILTER button in the External Inputs section.
-Select the target Filter(s) by pressing View and then highlighting
the EXT IN parameter by turning soft pot 8, the CV SRC pot.
-The Pre Filter Mix Noise/External pot controls the amount of
Filter cutoff modulation.
-Note that the analog noise cannot be used as a signal source
into the Filters when using the external Filter modulation CV