PODD – Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
A l e n c o n S y s t e m s L L C - P a g e
Log Record Management
Log messages and telemetry are stored in an internal data base. When an export
request is made, the database is queried, the records are exported to a csv, and then
compressed. This process can take a couple of minutes if the query is large. Please be
It is typically unnecessary to delete records unless instructed to do so by an Alencon
representative. The PODD Site internally limits the physical size of the database and the
age of all records. These settings are found in the Settings Tab.
Metadata File
The Metadata file describes the mapping of GUID to other associated data such as LIN
and Modbus address. This file will need to be updated with the new GUID when ever an
Alencon device is replaced. Procedure for this can be found in section 10.11.1
Modbus Register Map
This file defines the mapping of modbus registers to Alencon device’s internal data types
and scaling. This file will almost never need modification.
10.9 Factory Test Tab
If you have purchased Alencon’s protection device i.e. the GARD then the Factory Test
tab may be of use otherwise do not use. More information can be found in the GARD
user manual.
10.10 Settings Tab
The settings tab contains PODD configuration settings. Alencon personnel will guide you
through any settings updates. Click
<Restart HUB>
to reboot the PODD site
Figure 40: PODD Site, Settings Tab