MODEL No.: TGT2001, PRODUCT No.: 70096
MODEL No.: XG-KF2000 , PRODUCT No.: 700069
MODEL No.: XG-KF2000 , PRODUCT No.: 700069
Description of symbols
The instruction manual, rating plate, or on the product itself, may show
these symbols. These represent important information about the product or
instructions on its use.
Conforms to relevant standards for electrical safety
and electromagnetic compatibility.
Wear hearing protection. Wear eye protection.
Wear breathing protection.
Wear safety footwear.
Wear safety gloves.
Read these instructions for use carefully.
Never use in the home or in partly enclosed areas such as a garages.
Exhaust contains carbon monoxide,
a poisonous gas you cannot see or smell.
Explosive material.
Do not operate in a hazardous location such as areas where there is a risk of
explosion of petrol fumes, leaking gas or explosive dust.
Extremely hot surface. Do not touch a hot muffler, gear box or
cylinder, you may get burned. These parts get extremely hot from
operation and remain hot for a short time after the unit is turned off.
Maintain a safe distance.
36 Month Warranty Period.