Alcorn McBride Light Cue Pro User’s Guide • July 15, 2010 Page 7
The Start Time of
the SMPTE can be
adjusted with external
commands or front
panel knob before
The LightCue Pro is capable of recording DMX data with or
without being locked to SMPTE timecode. If you want to have
your DMX playback jam-synced to SMPTE so that it will pause
or skip forward or backward frames as necessary in order to
maintain perfect synchronization with incoming timecode, be
sure to have SMPTE connected and active while recording. The
recording will be time-stamped with the SMPTE timecode
corresponding to the first frame of recorded DMX.
The LightCuePro can ititiate a record using the front panel,
serial, USB or Ethernet commands, OR using the LightCue
Manager software.
The LightCueManager software makes it easy to record multiple
universes, while the front panel is designed primarily for single
universe record.
From the Cue Manger Software
(See LightCue Manager
Click "Edit" from the top toolbar
Type in a Cue Name into the "Record" window
Click “Arm Recording”
A change in DMX
values after pressing
“Arm Recording” will
start immediate
recording. Otherwise,
pressing “Record Now”
is required.
Or From the Front Panel
1. Press in on the knob to bring up to the Main Menu
2. Select “Record”
3. Select the Universe you wish to record
4. Adjust record settings by selecting “Record Config”
5. Press the “Arm Recording” selection