OmniSwitch 8800 Hardware Users Guide
December 2004
page 4-1
4 Switch Fabric Module (SFM)
The OmniSwitch 8800 OS8800-SFM Switch Fabric Modules (SFMs) allow for communication between
the various NIs and CMMs on the OmniSwitch 8800. SFMs are the link between the other removable
components of a switch (NIs and CMMs). A complete fabric consists of four SFM modules plus one
optional module for redundancy
SFMs are located in the rear of the switch in numbered slots specifically designed for SFMs. Other NIs or
CMMs will not function in SFM slots.
Each Fabric Module contains two ASICs which provide the store-and-forward switching fabric function
for the OmniSwitch 8800. The ASIC is bit-sliced; a group of eight ASICs operates together as a single
synchronized fabric.
In This Chapter
This chapter includes information on how to install, remove, and monitor Switch Fabric Modules in an
OmniSwitch 8800. It also explains the basic functions of the SFM. The information is contained in the
following sections:
“SFM Slot Locations” on page 4-2
“Adding and Removing SFM Modules” on page 4-5
“SFM Power Commands” on page 4-13