8088 Smart DeskPhone
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1.2 Welcome screens
Your phone provides 3 welcome screens:
Alcatel-Lucent Phone: Access to all telephony features
AOM: Virtual add-on module (Depends on the system configuration).
Private store: Access to applications from a private store or a web page (Depends on the system
You can define which screen is the default homepage. The homepage is the default page displayed on
your phone. The homepage is displayed when you start the phone, when you press on the Hang-up key
or Home key or when you finish a call.
Browse between different screens by swiping left or right:
Private store
Alcatel-Lucent Phone
1.2.1 Define the default homepage
The phone is in idle state.
Open the Android menu.
Display Homepage
Select the default homepage: Alcatel-Lucent Phone, AOM, Private store.
1.3 Alcatel-Lucent Phone
You can access all of your phone's features from these screens. The default display has three pages
that you can access by pressing to the page tabs at the top of the screen. The selected page is
highlighted. The default pages can be augmented with other applications (ACD for example) installed
and/or configured on your system. Press the label to select the corresponding feature.
Menu page
Contains all features and applications accessible by pressing the label of the desired feature or
application. From this page, it is possible to set the ringer, program the time of an appointment,
lock the terminal, define the default page displayed, configure voice mail, and access telephone
functions such as calling back one of the last numbers or intercepting calls.