8088 Smart DeskPhone
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Some applications are embedded in your phone and can be activated by your administrator without an
applications server: Camera, Music, Gallery, Clock, Calculator and Web browser. By default, only
embedded applications are installed. The background color depends on the skin.
Launch camera to take photos or videos, by using the front HD camera.
Photos and videos are stored in internal memory. You can manage photos
and videos by using the gallery application.
Display and manage all photos and videos stored in the internal memory or in
a connected USB stick.
Play all music stored in a connected USB stick. Playing music in background
is possible.
Display date and hour of a list of countries.
Calculator Open a calculator integrating mathematical functions.
Use your deskphone to navigate the Web.
1.5.1 Install a new application from the private store
The private store lists all available applications. Scroll applications by swiping down or up if there is more
than one page.
Select the application you want to install. The package is downloading and installing.
The number of installed applications depends on the memory of your phone.
1.5.2 Start an application from the private store page
Select the application to start. The application is displayed in the foreground. Depending on the
application, some authorizations could be requested at the first start.
When you start an application, your deskphone checks automatically if there is an update to the private
store and installs it if necessary.
Switch between the application, the Alcatel-Lucent Phone and the virtual add-on by swiping left or right
in the page.
1.5.3 Stop an application
You can display all background applications by selecting the application button. Swipe up on
the screen to see the button on the bottom of the screen and press the application button.
Swipe left or right on the application (or use the cross) you want to stop.
1.5.4 Uninstall an application
You need administrator rights to uninstall an application downloaded from the private store. An
embedded application cannot be uninstalled. Contact your administrator if necessary.