Additional bandwidth requirements for statistics collection
The size of the network and the number of statistics that are collected will impact the
recommended bandwidth between the following workstations:
5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics Collector and 5620 SAM Database
Active and Inactive 5620 SAM Database workstations
The following tables should be used to determine how much additional bandwidth will be
required between the 5620 SAM workstations when statistics collection is added to the
system. The bandwidths of connections not listed do not change dramatically with the
addition of statistics.
The registerLogToFile method of retrieving statistics can be compressed or
uncompressed. Using the compressed option will require additional CPU requirements on
the workstation that is collecting the statistics (either 5620 SAM Server or 5620 SAM
Auxiliary Statistics Collector). In this case, the bandwidth required will be reduced.
Table 5-5
Additional bandwidth requirements for accounting statistics collection
Bandwidth requirements for installations collecting accounting
Additional bandwidth per 200,000 accounting statistics records
5620 SAM Server to a 5620 SAM-O-O Client if using findToFile.
5620 SAM Server to 5620 SAM-O Client if using an
uncompressed registerLogToFile (5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics
Collector is NOT installed).
5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics Collector to 5620 SAM-O Client if
using an uncompressed registerLogToFile.
3.5 Mbps
5620 SAM Server to 5620 SAM Database workstation if the 5620
SAM Server is collecting the statistics
5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics Collector to 5620 SAM Database
workstation if the 5620 SAM Auxiliary Statistics Collector is
collecting the statistics
2.2 Mbps
Between the 5620 SAM Database workstations
NOTE: The higher bandwidth is required to handle
re-instantiation during statistics collection
NOTE: Not required if accounting statistics are not stored in the
5620 SAM Database (logToFile only)
3.2 Mbps (sustained)
18 Mbps (during re-instantiation or database backup
Network requirements
Bandwidth requirements for distributed 5620 SAM
5620 SAM
3HE-09809-AAAG-TQZZA 13.0 R7
Issue 1
December 2015