Enter Setup
** Exit Setup
Sense Mode
If the Sense Mode is enabled, the scanner activates a decode session every time it detects a change in
ambient illumination. The decode session continues until the barcode is decoded or the decode session
timeout expires.
Driving the TRIG pin on the host interface connector low can also activate a decode session. The decode
session continues until the active trigger signal is no longer present or the barcode is decoded or the
decode session timeout expires. The trigger signal needs to be negated before the scanner is able to
monitor ambient illumination again.
Sense Mode
Decode Session Timeout
This parameter sets the maximum time decode session continues during a scan attempt. If the timeout
expires or the barcode is decoded, the engine goes back to monitoring ambient illumination. It is
programmable in 1ms increments from 100ms to 3,600,000ms. When it is set to 0, the timeout is infinite.
The default setting is 3,000ms. To learn how to program this parameter, see
Appendix 4
Decode Session Timeout