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This procedure is used to calibration the gain of the PTT to a high degree of accuracy. This allows all PTT to exhibit the
same accuracy with a Mountz "Smart" transducer as the meter that was used to perform the calibration.
The PTT Calibration requires special equipment. This equipment is available from Mountz for those that require it as an
optional item.
P T T C a l i b r a t i o n
D a t a L o g g i n g
This program is used for graphing the data. This feature can be utilized to evaluate and confirm torque specifications in
both production or R & D environments.
When the graph first appears you can enlarge it by clicking on
the Zoom-Box, which is the square box made up of dashed
lines just to the right of the big arrow. Then drag the cursor to
surround the small graph and the view will expand the graph as