Thermostat Z-Wave Specification
June 26, 2019
Building 36 Technologies
An Company
0x3B : Minimum Battery Reporting Interval
Minimum number of hours between battery reports. The thermostat will always report
a battery report following a power cycle. The thermostat also sends a battery report
every 24 hours regardless of the value of this parameter.
0 to 127 hours
Default is 6 Hours
Size 1 byte
0x3C : Humidity Control Swing
Percent value the thermostat will add (for de-humidify) to or remove (for humidify)
from the relevant humidity control setpoint
Default is 5%
Size 1 byte
0x3D : Humidity Reporting Threshold
The minimum percent the relative humidity must change between reported humidity
Default is 5%
Size 1 byte
0x3E : Z-Wave Send Fail Limit
If thermostat experiences successive Z-Wave Transmit ACK failures exceeding the limit,
the thermostat will not attempt any more unsolicited association reports until it
receives a successful acknowledge for an association report. If this value is zero, the
ACK failure limit is disabled.
Default is 10
Size is 1 byte
0x3F : Z-Wave Listen Before Talk Threshold
Set the listen before talk threshold on the thermostat. The threshold controls at what
RSSI level the Z-Wave radio will refuse to transmit because of noise. Each step
corresponds to a 1.5dB power step. Byte 0 is the LBT threshold for channel 0 and Byte 1
is the LBT threshold for channel 1.
Valid Range in decimal: 64 (-65dB) to 78 (-44dB)
Default is decimal 78 (-44dB) for both channels
Size is 2 byte