© 2005
Alamo Group Inc.
Section 3 - 5
Switch Blade (JD-5105-5205-5225-5325-5425-5525, Asy. Man) 05/05
Pump & Drive Shaft Installation:
The Tractor will need modification to some of its components before mounting the Switch
Blade Mower Assembly. Perform thess modification before attemting any of the unit assembly
Raise the Hood of tractor to remove Bat-
tery. Lift the Tractor Hood, the battery is located
under the hood and in front of the radiator (See
Figure 1 & 2). The battery will need to be discon-
nected and removed from the tractor, also the
battery hold down strap (See Figure 2). The Bat-
tery can be set on the floor (Concrete) only for a
short period of time, if it is going to be set up for a
while the battery should be set on a wood surface
for storage and a trickle charge connected to it to
protect it from discharge. Always store the battery
away from flames, sparks or any extreme heat.
Remove Engine Side Cover. There are
side covers that bolt to the radiator that block
access to the front of the engine. The LH or the RH
side cover will need to be removed (See Figure 4
the LH side is shown). Save the mounting bolts as
they will be reused when cover is reinstalled.
Remove the lower Bolster Cover Plate.
The lower bolster cover plate is accessible from
the bottom side of the tractor behind the bolster
and engine (See Figure 5). This plate bolts to the
top plate that is under the radiator, the lower plate
must be completely removed from the under side
and will not be reused. Note: the front axle pivot pin
is shown as referenc only, DO NOT remove it.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Engine Side
Cover (LH
Side Shown)
Pump & Drive Shaft Installation: