Akribis Systems GmbH
Am Weichselgarten 19a
T: +49 (0) 9131 81179 - 0
D-91058 Erlangen
+49 (0) 9131 81179 - 99
Important Information
This instruction manual contains general procedures that applies to voice coil motor
components and table. Before installing and using the voice coil, read this instruction
manual carefully. It provides the information required for installation, configuration and
basic operation of the voice coil moto. The manufacturer declines all responsibility for
damage caused by improper use and installation of the voice coil motor.
This manual is not intended to include a comprehensive listing for all procedures
required for installation, operation and maintenance. It only describes general
guidelines that apply to the voice coil motor. It is intended for persons who are qualified
to transport, assemble, commission, and maintain the equipment described herein.
For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Akribis for more clarification.
Revision Notes
Document Revision
April 2018
General Release
Customer Service
Akribis is committed to delivering quality customer service and support for all our
products. Our goal is to provide our customers with the information and resources so
that they are available, without delay, if and when they are needed. In order to serve
in the most effective way, we recommend that you contact your local sales
representative for order status and delivery information, product information and
literature, and application and field technical assistance. If you are unable to contact
your local sales representative for any reason, please use the most relevant of the
contact details below:
Contact Information
Akribis will not share any responsibility for damage caused by Customer attempt to
repair or conduct any modifications. For further assistance, please contact the offices
that is nearest to your location.
Technical support
If you need assistance with the installation of voice coil motor, contact Akribis Technical
Support through the following email or via the Telephone list.