Description of Sesam 800 K3 transmitter
13 (16)
Sesam 800 K3 RXDIN USA Manual
Document-ID: 946415-000
Version: A0
Author: SH
Description of Sesam 800 K3 transmitter
Figure 4.
The Sesam 800 K3 transmitter indicators and buttons
1. Status LED
2. Buttons 1..3
Indications on the transmitter
Normal operation
Quick flashing RED = Sending message.
Continuous GREEN = Relay activated in the receiver (Feedback information
from receiver).
Fault indications
3 long RED flashes = Battery depleted, transmitter can not send commands.
Continuous RED after activating command = Low battery.
Very quick flashing RED = Hardware error.
After battery insertion:
Yellow LED ON for 1 second followed by one GREEN flash.