Ki Pro GO File Based Recorder/Player v1.0 24 www.aja.com
File/Encode Tab
This menu shows the configuration status of Ki Pro GO's four recording and
playback channels.
• Channel Enable
• Video and Audio Inputs
• Video format
Alarms Tab
This menu reports warnings and alarms. Some alarms will automatically be shown
on the top bar of the display. Others will be indicated by the STATUS button
Figure 13. Status Menu, Alarms Tab.
Once a Ki Pro GO alarm is active, the STATUS button light will blink for as long
as the alarm is present. This alerts you so you’ll know the reasons for the alarm
condition are still active. You can then check the Alarms display by pressing the
STATUS button and using the User Control Knob to scroll to the Alarms tab.
If you enter the CONFIG or MEDIA menus after an alarm notification, the alarm
display will go away. Pushing any button always returns Ki Pro GO to its pre-alarm
state. However, if you are unable to correct the alarm condition after this initial
button push, when you leave these menus, the alarm notification will reappear
on the display.
Ki Pro GO features a variety of alarms to help you diagnose the condition of the
unit, possible configuration issues, or possible signal issues.
Warning: Media Unformatted -
May appear if Ki Pro GO does not recognize the
file system on the media or the media has never been formatted.
Warning: Media Low -
Appears when the media only has 10% of capacity
Warning: Media Full -
Appears when only 1% of media capacity remains.
Recording will continue, however, until the media is completely filled.
Warning: Dropped Frames -
May appear if media is under-performing and
cannot keep up with the data rate required to make a recording or perform a
playback. If you see this prompt during recording, recordings will stop. If this
prompt appears, you might consider backing up your current recordings and
formatting the media. For playback, you might simply re-attempt playback.
Warning: Input Format Changed-
This prompt appears if a recording is started
and the signal is lost or changed. If this occurs, Ki Pro GO stops the recording
that is in progress (unless the Loss of Video CONFIG menu parameter is set to
continue recording.)