Ki Pro GO File Based Recorder/Player v1.0 21 www.aja.com
4. Connect Ki Pro GO using a CAT Ethernet cable to a LAN hub or switch
operating as part of a DHCP network.
5. Go to the Ki Pro GO
9.1 IP Address
menu and enter the IP address provided
by your network system administrator.
6. If necessary, also go the Ki Pro GO
9.2 Subnet Mask
menu and the
Default Gateway
menu and enter the information provided by your
network system administrator.
7. Power cycle the Ki Pro GO.
8. After reboot, go to the Ki Pro GO
9.1 IP Address
menu, and note the IP
address displayed.
9. Enter the Ki Pro GO's IP address into your network connected computer's
web browser.
10. The Ki Pro GO webpage will be displayed, allowing complete control of the
"Chapter 5 Browser Remote Control" on page 37
for more information.