Capture Play/Record Controls
The pull-down menu on the right enables one of three capture modes:
Capture Now – manual record/stop (crash) capture
Capture Duration – capture a specified number of frames after manual start, based on
the timebase of the selected Primary Format
Capture In/Out – initiate and end capture using timecode-based in and out settings
The selected mode will activate the appropriate hot-text for that mode. Clicking the hot-text
brings up and entry field (hours:minutes:seconds:frames). The upper left display indicates the
current timecode from the VTR.
Capture In/Out
The capture in-point is entered by clicking on the left field of eight digits in
the bracketed fields above the In/Out Duration field. The out-point can be set by clicking on
the right field of eight digits. Or you can specify a duration in the In/Out Duration field and the
in- or out-point (whichever you have not entered) will be entered automatically according to
The in-point/out-point field values are inclusive. If both are set to the same value, the
capture duration will be 1 frame.
To load the current VTR timecode setting in either field (in-point or out-point) click on the
bracket ( { or } ) next to the field.
The VTR timecode field displays the current machine timecode. You can click on it
and enter a timecode to perform a seek to that timecode on the VTR. The VTR must be online
and in remote rather than local control mode (as reported in the
VTR Status