About Music Transfer Hard Disk Player Edition
Music Transfer Hard Disk Player Edition is a software utility that allows you to send audio files
in MP3 format* on your computer to the hard disk player. The hard disk player plays only MP3
files sent to it using Music Transfer Hard Disk Player Edition.
You can edit (delete, change the order of) MP3 files before and after sending them to the player.
You can also create your own Playlists in which you can freely arrange MP3 files in your
desired order.
You can send and store up to 1,000 files to the hard disk player. A maximum of 99 Playlists can
be created, and each Playlist can contain up to 500 files.
Notes on using Music Transfer Hard Disk Player Edition
• Do not disconnect the USB cable while reading or writing data. Before disconnecting the
USB cable, follow the necessary steps required by each operating system.
• Data may be destructed in the following cases:
– The USB cable is disconnected or the built-in rechargeable battery is exhausted while
reading or writing data.
– When the player is used in a location subject to static electricity or electric noise.
• Creating backup copies of important data is recommended.
You cannot edit MP3 files using Music Transfer Hard Disk Player Edition. If you want to change a file name,
change it before starting Music Transfer Hard Disk Player Edition.
For information on how to handle data that has been recorded using software other than Music
Transfer Hard Disk Player Edition, refer to the instruction manual that comes with the software
with which the recording has been done.
• The hard disk player cannot play MP3 files that have been copied to the player or edited using Windows
• You cannot send MP3 files from the player to the computer.
* MP3
MP3 is an abbreviation of MPEG Audio Layer 3, a standard technology for compressing audio information.
The MP3 technology allows easy enjoyment of music on computer. This player is compatible with MPEG-
1/2 Layer 3.