Scholar V VAIVA Maintenance & Service Manual 10/2017 Rev.2
6. SCREEN 6: Set Points
(Changes require username/password)
a. Cool SP---Occ. (°F)
: Cooling set point for Occupied Mode
b. Heat SP---Occ. (°F)
: Heating set point for Occupied Mode
c. Cool SP---Un-Occ. (°F)
: Cooling set point for Unoccupied Mode
d. Heat SP---Un-Occ. (°F)
: Heating set point for Unoccupied Mode
e. RH Set Point (%)
: Relative humidity set point for all modes.
f. Low Amb. Override (°F)
: Outside temperature at which heat pump operation is
disabled and resistance heat is enabled.
g. Forward
: Press once to go to the next screen.
h. Back
: Press once to go to the previous screen
i. Back to Main
: Press once to go back to Main Screen