Scholar V VAIVA Maintenance & Service Manual 10/2017 Rev.2
1. SCREEN 1:
Main Screen
(Changes require username/password)
a. Cooling (Manual H/C):
Press once to enter Cooling Mode. Selection shown in box
at bottom of screen.
b. Heating (Manual H/C):
Press once to enter Heat Pump Heating Mode. Selection
shown in box at bottom of screen.
c. Emergency Heat:
Press once to enter electric resistance heating mode. Selection
shown in box at bottom of screen
d. Off:
Press once to turn unit OFF. Selection shown in box at bottom of screen.
e. Occ.:
Press once to enter Occupied Mode. In this mode, fresh air ventilation is
active to give fresh air to room occupants. Set-points for occupancy are installed.
Selection is shown above button.
f. Un-Occ.:
Press once to enter Unoccupied Mode. In this mode, fresh air is turned
off and set points for an empty room are installed. Selection is shown above
g. Precond. ON:
Press once to allow for pre-conditioning of air. In this mode, fresh
air is turned off. Selection is shown above button.
h. Precond. OFF:
Press once to disable pre-conditioning of the air. Fresh air into the
room is enabled. Selection is shown above button.
i. Blower On:
Press once to turn blower ON continuously. Selection is shown above
j. Blower Auto:
Press once to run blower with compressor operation. Selection is
shown above button
k. Fault Reset:
Press once to clear faults, such as High Pressure, Low Pressure,
High Discharge Temp, and Coil Freeze. These faults are shown on an overlay
screen on HMI when they occur.
l. Set Points:
Press once to go directly to the screen to enter Cooling and Heating
Set Points.
Actual Room Temperature and Relative Humidity are shown in boxes at upper left
of screen