7.4 fixup outdoor unit
● Before installation, check strength and horizon of the base for preventing abnormal vibration and noise.
● According to the following diagram, fix the base firmly with the anchor bolts. (Anchor bolt, nut: M10,4pairs)
● Base create:
1) Use concrete or a similar material to create the base,and ensure good drainage.
Ordinarily, ensure a base height of 5 cm or more. If a drain pipe is used, or for use in cold-weather
regions,ensure a height of 15 cm or more at the feet on both sides of the unit.
(In this case, leave clearance below the unit for the drain pipe, and to prevent freezing of drainage water in
cold-weather regions.)
2) Refer to chart 16 for the anchor bolt dimensions.
3) Set the out margin of the anchor bolt to 25mm or less.
25 or less
Chart 15