- 19
Design of 3-WAY FLOW LOGIC
2. System Design
Outdoor unit
Room 1
(indoor unit 1)
Room 2
(indoor unit 2)
Room 3
(indoor unit 3)
Room 4
(indoor unit 4)
Selected model
Type 2304
Maximum load
(cooling/heating) (kW)
Rated capacity
(cooling/heating) (kW)
(5) Corrected capacity
(cooling/heating) (kW)
(7) Actual capacity
(cooling/heating) (kW)
Total corrected capacity of all indoor units (cooling/heating) = 50.24/57.4
Ruc = 50.24/59.36 = 0.846
1 Ruh = 57.4/58.45 = 0.982
For both cooling and heating in all rooms, actual capacity is now greater than or equal to the maximum
load. Selection is completed.
The indoor unit in room 4, where the corrected indoor unit capacity is less than the maximum load, is
increased by one rank.
Indoor unit changes
Type 604
Type 484
Type 254
Type 484
16.0 / 18.0
73.0 / 81.5
15.0 / 16.5
13.0 / 14.5
13.0 / 14.5
5.5 / 6.2
14.0 / 16.0
14.0 / 16.0
16.0 / 18.0
16.00 / 18.00
16.00 / 18.00
73.0 / 81.5
59.36 / 58.45
1.00 / 1.00
1.019 / 0.941
0.934 / 0.964
0.798 / 0.856
1.00 / 1.00
1.105 / 1.070
1.032 / 1.031
1.008 / 1.014
0.958 / 0.981
0.934 / 0.964
1.03 / 1.03
1.01 / 1.01
1.00 / 1.00
0.96 / 0.98
0.93 / 0.96
1.026 / 1.018
1.079 / 1.052
0.934 / 0.964
0.934 / 0.964
0.934 / 0.964
14.0 / 16.0
14.00 / 16.00
13.42 / 15.69
6.82 / 7.71
14.00 / 16.00 13.42 / 15.69
6.82 / 7.71
14.0 / 16.0
7.30 / 8.00
7.30 / 8.00
59.36 / 58.45
16.00 / 18.00
14.00 / 16.00
13.42 / 15.69
6.82 / 7.71
16.00 / 18.00
14.00 / 16.00
13.42 / 15.69
6.82 / 7.71
(2) Calculate the final selection results according to the capacity calculation procedure.
[From calculation of the correction coefficient to calculation of actual capacity]
Outdoor unit
Room 1
(indoor unit 1)
Room 2
(indoor unit 2)
Room 3
(indoor unit 3)
Room 4
(indoor unit 4)
Rated capacity (kW)
(1) Model
(2) Temp. condition
(3) Tubing length,
elevation difference
Correction coef
(4) Frosting/defrosting
Result of (2)
Correction coefficient
applied to indoor unit *1
(5) Corrected capacity (kW) *2
(6) Correction coefficient
for corrected capacity
(7) Actual capacity (kW)
*1: This varies depending on the values of (2) and (2)
(Distribution ratio in (3)).
*2: Corrected outdoor unit capacity = Rated outdoor unit capacity
The actual capacity is calculated as shown below.
Cooling: Ruc = (16.0 + 14.0 + 13.42 + 6.82) / 59.36 = 0.846 < 1
Actual cooling capacity of each indoor unit = Corrected cooling capacity of each indoor unit
(In other words, the correction coefficient [6] for the corrected capacity ratio is 1.)
Heating: Ruh = (18.0 + 16.0 + 15.69 + 7.71) / 58.45 = 0.982 < 1
Actual heating capacity of each indoor unit = Corrected heating capacity of each indoor unit
Ruh + 0.9) / Ruh
(In other words, the correction coefficient (6) for the corrected capacity ratio is (0.1
Ruh + 0.9) / Ruh.)
04-218 Airwell-2.qxp 01/06/2007 13:16 Page 19