Section 2: Getting Started
Checking for Leaks
To check for leaks, remove the preseparator/filter holder assembly and cover the
air inlet at the to p of the sam pler body with the p alm of the hand w hile the pu mp is
running . The ball in the flowm eter shou ld drop im mediate ly to zero a nd rem ain
there without movement. If it does not, a leak exists somewhere in the hoses and
fittings between the inlet and the flowmeter. Leaks on the
side of the pump
are especially critical, since flow measurement will not accurately reflect the
amount of air passing through the filter. The sampler will be measuring air passing
through the filter,
whatever air may be entering through the leak.
Verify that all push-on hose fittings are secure.
Check the screw fittings attach ed to the p ump. T hese m ust be scre wed in
securely . Unlike p ipe thread s these fitting s "seat" in to their con necting so cket.
Do NOT attempt to tighten these fittings with a wrench, since too much
pressure could break them. If any appear loose, tighten by hand to a "finger
Check the push-on hose fitting beneath the 6" white cap just below the quick
connec t.
Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide
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