Appendix C: Quick Reference
Particula te Matte r Samp ling Ro utine at Site
Perform as m uch work a s possible inside a ve hicle (disassemb ling sampler,
checking for leak s, replacing filter,
.), particularly if the weather is rainy,
windy, or snowy.
Hoist the sampler down from the mounting cradle, keeping the hoisting pole as
vertical as possible to avoid dropping the sampler or damaging the
preseparator/filter holder assembly with the hook.
Inside the vehicle, remove the bale bar assembly and handle.
Remove the timer and pump assembly by grasping the 6" lid, taking care not
to disconnect power cord from battery. Do NOT grasp center of circuit board.
Mount the assembly on the edge of the sampler casing using the pump mount
stand. Leave the battery attached.
Record the h ours shown on the elapsed tim e totalizer.
Press the Timer On/Auto/Off button to start pump.
If a RED LIGHT is lit (either low flow or low battery), press the Reset
button to start pump.
With the sampler held vertically, read the flowmeter (to the nearest tenth at
center of ball) and record the ending flow rate.
Lower assembly back into tube.
Before removing the preseparator/filter holder assembly from samp ler, cross-
check the filter sticker number on the assembly against the filter number for
that site on the worksheet. These numbers should match. If not, make a note of
this, recording the actua l filter number.
Remove the preseparator/filter holder assembly at the quick-connect and place
Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide
it in clean plastic bag for transport back to lab.
10. Change the battery pack. (Do not inadvertently confuse and reuse the spent
battery.) If either the low or low voltage indicator was lit, make a note that the
spent battery may be defective.
11. Check the sampler for leaks. Remove the pump and timer assembly from the
sampler body, start the pump by pressing the On/AUTO/Off button, and cover
the inlet w ith palm. T he ball sho uld drop to the bottom of the flow meter. If it
does not, check/tighten all tubing, joints, and quick-connect fittings until the
sampler is leak-free.
12. Attach a new preseparator/filter holder assembly containing a new filter at the
sample r quick-co nnect.
13. If the low flow indicator was lit, check for crimps or air restrictions in the inlet
or tubing.
14. On a new Field Data Log worksheet, record site #, sampler #, battery #, and
new filter #.
15. With the sample r running and wh ile holding it vertically, ad just the flow rate
to the correct level. Record the beginning flow rate to the nearest tenth of
16. Turn the pump off by pressing ON/AUTO/OFF button.
17. Record ho urs shown o n the Elapsed T ime Totalizer.
18. Program the Programm able Timer.
19. Lower the pump and timer assembly into the sampler body and reinsert the
bale assemb ly bar..
20. Return the sampler to the mounting cradle, raising it as vertically as possible.
21. If also doing gas sampling, see the following Integrated Gas Sampling Routine.