Section 5: Integrated Gas Sampling
To operate in Standard Mode:
Plug the solenoids into desired positions 1-4.
Remov e Overlap Ju mper.
Advance to desired starting channel with Manual Advance Button.
The Manual Advance only functions when the pump is off. Each
time the pump is turned off, the channel advances automatically.
Set timer as desired.
Active Solenoid Output Indicators in standard mode:
channel 1 on
channel 2 on
channel 3 on
channel 4 on
Example 1:
We w ish to take tw o CO sample s, one ba g filling from 7:00 am to
3:00 pm, and the second from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
1) Plug b ag 1 solen oid into So lenoid O utput Co nnector 1 ; plug bag 2 soleno id
into Solenoid Output Connector 2.
2) Set the timer: set timer Program 1 to turn on at 7:00 am and off at 3:00 pm.
Set timer Program 2 to turn on at 3:01 pm and off at 11:00 pm. The one
minute delay between the first program's off time and the second program's on
time is necessary to advance the sequencing valve to the next cycle.
Example 2:
We wish to take two CO samples (from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, and from
3:00 pm to 11:00 pm) while also collecting a PM
sample from 1:0 0 am to
11:00 pm.
1) Plug b ag 1 solen oid into So lenoid O utput Co nnector 2 ; plug bag 2 soleno id
into Solenoid Output Connector 3.
2) Set the timer:
Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide
a) Set timer Program 1 to turn on at 1:00 am and off at 7:00 am. During
this program, neither bags will be filled but air will be drawn through the PM
b) Set time r Program 2 to turn on at 7:01 am and off at 3 :00 pm . Air will
be drawn through the filter and bag 1 will be filled.
c) Set time r Program 3 to turn on at 3:01 pm and off at 1 1:00 pm . Air
will be dra wn thro ugh the filte r and bag 2 will be filled during this
programmed step.
Overlap Mode
the sampler can be set to overlap the sampling periods for the
bags. For example; the operator could set the sampler to collect air in one bag
from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and in the other bag from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm. During
the overla pping pe riod from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm the sam ple wou ld be collec ting air
in both bags simultaneously.
To operate in Overlap Mode:
Plug solenoids into positions 2 & 4.
Place the Overlap Jumper on the p ins.
Advance to channel 2 with Manual Advance Button.
The Manual Advance only functions when the pump is off. Each
time the pump is turned off, the channel advances automatically.
Set timer as desired.
Active Solenoid Output Indicators in Overlap Mode:
channel 1 on (this setting does nothing)
channel 2 on
channels 2 & 4 on
channel 4 on
We wish collect air in one bag from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and in the
other bag from 3:00 pm to 1 1:00 pm.