Airmetrics MiniVol Operation Manual Download Page 18

Section 4:  Particulate Matter Sampling



A single AA battery on the circuit board operates the Programmable Timer. The
lifetime for this battery is approximately six months when it is left in place on the
circuit board. Be sure to observe the correct polarity when inserting a new AA
battery into  the battery  comp artmen t.

Refer to Section 8 , “Troublesho oting” for additional co mmen ts on battery

Setting the Desired Sampling Time

Determine the time of the day when the sampler is to turn on and off. Program the
timer to turn the sam pler on and off at these  times (see "Prog ramming  the Timer"
in Section 2).

Particulate Matter Sampling Procedure

After the sampler has been assembled, adjusted, verified to be in proper working
order, and  a filter loaded  in the Filter A ssemb ly, the sam pler is ready  to collect air


: For a qu ick referen ce to the follo wing ste ps, see "P articulate

Matter Sampling Routine at Site" (Appendix C). If a gas sample is also to be
collected simultaneously, refer to Section 5, “Integrated Gas Sampling” for proper
gas sampling  procedures. 


Carefully transport the sampler to the field site. Verify that the sampler, when
finally installed in the mounting cradle, will be positioned with the intake
upward in an unobstructed area at least 30 cm from any obstacle to air flow.


Place the sampler on a firm level surface.


Rem ove the c lean Pres eparator/F ilter Holde r Assem bly from  the plastic
transport bag and remove the protective plastic bag under the rain cap. Attach
the assem bly to the sa mpler to p at the qu ick conn ect.


Record the following information on the PM Field Data Sheet: number of the
filter, the battery ID, sampler ID, ambient temperature and pressure,
flowmeter reading, and elapsed time meter reading. (see Figure G.1 insert at
the end of this M anual).


Unscrew either cap of the bale assembly bar and remove the bale assembly.

Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide




Lift the pump and timer assembly out by the 6" diameter top cap and rest it on
the edge of the sampler casing, using the triangular mount stand. Take care not
to pull the connecting wire loose or jar the pump hose fittings. Hold the top
cap and do NOT grasp the center of the circuit board.


To obtain the be ginning flow rate, p ress the ON /AUTO /OFF bu tton to start
the pump. O n the LCD  display, the horizon tal bar should m ove to "ON ". 


If the flowmeter, w hich should be  in the vertical position, indicates  zero or a
very low reading, check for restrictions in the tubing, or improperly seated
screw fittings betw een the pum p and the flow meter.


Using the Flow Rate Adjustment control (see Figure 3.1), set the flowmeter
flow within specifications for the project temperature and pressure conditions.
Take the reading of the flowmeter from the center of the ball. (See
Append ix A).

10. Press the ON/AUTO/OFF button twice to stop pump.

11. Press the ON/AUTO/OFF button to set the timer to "Auto" mode. The

Sampler MU ST be in “Auto” m ode before the operator leaves.

12. Place the pump and timer assembly back into the sampler body. Replace the

bale assemb ly bar.

13. Using the hoisting pole, hook the bale assembly bar and raise the sampler, as

vertically as possible, to the m ounting cradle. T his position not only m ore
easily accommodates the sampler's weight, but prevents the hook from hitting
and possibly dislodging or breaking the preseparator/filter holder assembly.
(See Figure 4.1 ).

Particulate Matter Sample Retrieval

As soon as  possible after the end o f the sampling p eriod, the operator sh ould return
to the monitoring site to retrieve the exposed filter. Potential for filter damage or
changes in sample mass due to particle loss, passive deposition, or volatilization
increases  if the filter is left in the  sample r for extend ed period s. On the  Field Da ta
Sheet record the a mbient tem perature (T


), barometric pressu re (P


), and flowmeter

Summary of Contents for MiniVol

Page 1: History Manua l Version 1 0 O ctober 1992 ap plies to Sampler M odels 3 x Manua l Version 1 0a N ovembe r 1992 applies to Sa mpler M odels 3 x Manua l Version 1 1 Jun e 1993 applies to S ampler M...

Page 2: ...e Button 18 Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide ii Airmetrics Pulse Interval Adjustment 18 Pulse Duration Adjustment 18 Power O n Off 19 Pulse Indicator 19 Overlap Jumper 19 4 PARTICULATE MATTER SAMPLING 2...

Page 3: ...QUICK REFERENCE 79 D WARRANTY POLICY 83 E REPLACING DAMAG ED DEFECTIVE COMPONENTS 85 F PARTS LIST 87 G FORMS and SCHEMATICS 105 List of Figures Figure 2 1 Attaching Battery Pack 7 Figure 2 2 Programm...

Page 4: ...circuits Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 2 Airmetrics A low battery circu it automatically shuts the sampler down should the rechargeable lea d acid battery fail to supply sufficient voltage below 10 3...

Page 5: ...proven to be an excellent indicator of absolute ambient PM10 concentrations Although the method used by portable PM10 sampling does not wholly conform or comply with the reference method the data col...

Page 6: local plug configura tion to connect the tran sformer to a wall socket for battery recharge 3 The green LED on the top of the battery will light indicating that the battery is being ch arged W hen...

Page 7: ...ontrolled by prog ramme d on off sequences As the ON AUTO OFF button is pressed a bar at the lower edge of the LCD display moves horizontally over the words On Auto and Off which are printed on the ti...

Page 8: ...h e on time In this way sampling may start on one day and end on the next day Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 10 Airmetrics L 5 Press the PR OG button again 2ON appears on the display to indicate that...

Page 9: ...t will not accurately reflect the amount of air passing through the filter The sampler will be measuring air passing through the filter plus whatever air may be entering through the leak Verify that a...

Page 10: ...tes the flow rate of air through the system in liters minute The flow rate is adjusted using the Flow Rate Adjustment The flow meter rea dings m ust be take n from th e center of the ball FLOW RATE AD...

Page 11: ...low meter Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 16 Airmetrics L 3 Set the Lo w Flow Cutoff A djustme nt to the zero position rotated fully counterclockw ise 4 Adjust the Low Flow Zero Adjustment until the Lo...

Page 12: ...en the sampler is switched to the O n mode either m anually o r by programm ed opera tion Wh en a solen oid output is ac tive and the samp ler is in the O n mode a solen oid valve plugged onto the act...

Page 13: ...ockwise adds 50 ms fully clock wise adds no time POWER ON OFF Switch 5 on this DIP switch is the on off power switch for the auxiliary board and must be set to the o n position for any fun ctions to b...

Page 14: ...ility pole parking meter fence po st etc See Figure 4 1 Available separately from Airmetrics is a Y Bracket Assembly which attaches to poles and provides a mast for the mounting cradle Also sho wn in...

Page 15: ...y malfunctions before proceeding Perform a single point flow rate check using a soap bubble meter or other flow measuring device of known accuracy and compare to the curve established during calibrati...

Page 16: ...e flo wme ter or the pu lse dam pener is replaced Preseparator Filter Holder Assembly Depending on the required particle size separation the configuration of the Preseparator changes The attached Filt...

Page 17: ...Section 4 Particulate Matter Sampling Airmetrics 27...

Page 18: ...p of the bale assembly bar and remove the bale assembly Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 30 Airmetrics 6 Lift the pump and timer assembly out by the 6 diameter top cap and rest it on the edge of the sam...

Page 19: ...e top cap 5 Check the sampler face plate for any error conditions If an error conditions exists refer to the Error C onditions section at the end of this chap ter 6 Verify correct time and day of week...

Page 20: ...n dix D Low Flow Indicator ON Should the Low Flow Indicator be found ON at the end of sam pling period first check the Elapsed Time Totalizer to determine the length of time the sampler ran before shu...

Page 21: ...e Mount the M iniVol cra dle onto a standard 1 1 4 inch antenna mast or c omparable metal tubing which itself is strapped securely to another supporting structure utility pole parking m eter fence pos...

Page 22: ...d into Solenoid Output Connector 3 2 Set the timer Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 38 Airmetrics a Set timer Program 1 to turn on at 1 00 am and off at 7 00 am During this program neither bags will be...

Page 23: ...rmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 40 Airmetrics Pulse Interval Adjustment The pulse interval off time of the circuit is adjustable over a range of 0 15 seconds by a 16 position rotary switch This switch is...

Page 24: ...A F where zero is continuous pulsing and F is one pulse eve ry 15 seconds 7 Turn on the valve sequencer board by moving the P ower O N OF F Switch to the UP position Note that the other four dip switc...

Page 25: ...unobstructed area at least 30 cm from any obstacle to air flow 2 With the sample r on a firm level surfac e unscrew either c ap of bale assembly bar and remove bale assembly 3 Detach canister tubing...

Page 26: ...4 4 2 With the sample r on a firm level surfac e unscrew either c ap of the b ale assembly bar and remove bar assembly Detach canister tubing at the mini quick connect fittings and remove canisters 3...

Page 27: ...outlet of the flowmeter The Flow Control System is temperature compensated for reasonable changes in ambient temperature and pressure MINIATURE BRUSHLESS D C DOUBLE ACTING DIAPHRAGM PUMP The Double Ac...

Page 28: ...e charg er is designed to quick charge th e battery and then switch to a mainte nance mode to avoid an overcharge condition The charger can be left on for an indefinite period without damaging the bat...

Page 29: cleaned and grea sed at regu lar intervals i e every seventh sam ple to start bu t if heavy loadings are observed on the target disk as often as appropriate 1 Unm ate the preseparator sections f...

Page 30: dirt they will become worn and n eed replacemen t The side of the pump on which the valves are worn or dirty is easily determined by pinching the inlet tube s leading to the pum p first one side a...

Page 31: ...MiniVol Users Guide 56 Airmetrics sampler to charge the batteries 2 Disassemble the battery case using a Phillips screwdriver and connect the battery charger board to another battery If the same cond...

Page 32: ...rately adjusted using the Flow R ate Adju stment The pump valves and diaphragms are dirty or worn and need cleaning or replacing see Section 7 Maintenance Cleaning Replacing Pump V alves and D iaphrag...

Page 33: ...r stream during the calibration procedu re Figure A 1 shows the results of a typical MiniVol calibration The columns in the table in Figure A 1 are defined as Qind Flowrate as ind icated by the rotam...

Page 34: ...Appendix A Calculating Flow Rate Airmetrics 61...

Page 35: bvol of the sampler calibration are obtained from the calibration sheet For S ampler 231 8 mstd 1 0011 and bstd 0 0826 The units of Qstd are liters minu te 2 Calculate the volume of air that passed...

Page 36: ...ter by the volume of air that passed throug h the filter or where PM act PM concen tration in g rams pe r cubic m eter actual PM std PM concentration in grams per cubic meter standard MPM M ass of par...

Page 37: ...degrees and range over normal room temperatures Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 68 Airmetrics 7 Staticmaster ionizing units One is centered in balance chamber another mounted c onveniently on stand ne...

Page 38: ...r month period of the series of substitute weights A total of 75 meas urements m ade on six different w eights resulted in a rang e of 1 Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 70 Airmetrics microgram on the 2...

Page 39: ...ri dishes These filters are to be weighed at the beginning con trol filter masses C1ca 2ca 3ca and end control filter masses C1cb 2cb 3cb of each weigh ing session for any filters from the same lo t T...

Page 40: ...tings Field sampling reports or data sheets are sent with each filter or set of filters Figure 3 7 Filter heads or Petrislides received from the field are first checked against the accompanying field...

Page 41: ...pleted the field sampling report may be filed Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 76 Airmetrics 6 The computer program used to calculate particulate matter concentrations from portable saturation samplers...

Page 42: ...duce most of the variability in filter weights close control must be maintained on these factors A ny chan ge of 1 in humidity or of on e degree celsius in temperature during a weighing session necess...

Page 43: ...his recording the actua l filter number 9 Remove the preseparator filter holder assembly at the quick connect and place Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 80 Airmetrics it in clean plastic bag for transpo...

Page 44: ...CD 5 Record elapsed tim e as show n on the E lapsed T ime To talizer wh ich should match the programmed time 6 Check and record the fullness of the bag s adjusting the pulse interval or duration if ne...

Page 45: ...warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident or misuse or as the result of service or modification by other than an Airmetrics technician No other express warranty is given The...

Page 46: ...541 434 9695 Obtain authorization to return the defective or damaged compo nents Package the item s carefully to prevent further damage Identify the item s being returned on a clearly marked packing l...

Page 47: ...List Airmetrics 87 F PARTS LIST The following Figures and Tables identify the components and parts of the MiniVol sampler Airmetrics MiniVol Users Guide 88 Airmetrics Figure F 1 Main Circuit Board Par...

Page 48: ...lastic Y connector 3 16 101 014 Inlet Hose Barb Fitting 1 4 MNPT 3 16 ID H ose 101 015 Flat Washer s s 9 16 SAE 101 003 Flowmeter 0 10 LPM 102 000 Pump Dbl Diaphragm 8 12 V 102 001 Pump Hose B arb Fit...

Page 49: ...Valve D river Board 103 001 Valve Drive r Circuit Board 103 002 Solenoid Valve 103 003 Solenoid Output Orifice Fitting 10 32 1 8 ID Ho se 104 001 Panel M ount M ini Quick Conne ct male 104 011 Female...

Page 50: ...lon Bolt 1 2 13 3 4 104 003 Male Quick Connect Inlet Fitting 104 004 Battery Pack Mounting Latch 104 005 Banana Plug 104 006 Nylon Hex Nut 1 2 13 105 000 Interconnect Bo ard 105 002 Power C able 105 0...

Page 51: ...ttom 206 002 03 O Ring for Top Teflon 206 002 04 O Ring for Bottom Viton 206 003 Quick D isconnect 1 4 m pt female 206 004 Preseparator Tube Grey 201 000 PVC Rain Hat 202 000 QC Impactor PM10 QC C omp...

Page 52: ...ics MiniVol Users Guide 98 Airmetrics Battery Pack Assembly see Figure F 5 P N Description 300 000 Battery Pack As sembly 301 000 Battery Charg er Board 301 004 Charging Jack 302 000 Battery 12V 12AH...

Page 53: ...niVol Users Guide 100 Airmetrics Integrated Gas Sampling Bag Assembly see Figure F 6 P N Description 400 000 Com plete Bag Module 400 001 Tedlar Bag 5 liter 400 003 Mini Quick Connect Hose Fitting 400...

Page 54: ...Appendix F Parts List Airmetrics 101...

Page 55: ...ide 104 Airmetrics G FORMS and SCHEMATICS The forms shown in this appendix are samples of the Field Data Sheets that may be used when performing PM sampling Figure G 1 and Integrated Gas sampling Figu...

Page 56: ...Appendix G Forms and Schematics Airmetrics 105 This page was intentionally left blank...
