Feniks FUTURE Instruction Manual, No.
, 2012, page
AIR-POL Sp. z o.o.
– 05-120 Legionowo, ul. Olszankowa 52, www.air-pol.com.pl
tel.: (+4822) 774 0711, (+4822) 784 1595, (+4822) 774 4832, fax (+4822) 784 9640, @: [email protected]
Any maintenance or servicing of the reserve parachute may only be performed by a person authorised to do so under
domestic legislation of the country where parachute/skydiving jumps shall be performed.
The Feniks harness/container system is compatible with practically all certified ram-air canopies available on the market.
Nonetheless, it should be checked whether the recommended canopy size is appropriate. A too-small canopy may cause
accidental container opening, while a canopy packed too tightly may increase the force required to pull the release handle.
Notably, canopy size after packing depends on a variety of factors: temperature, moisture, manner of unpacked canopy
storage, and the packing technique. To ensure reliable reserve parachute functioning, the user should pay attention to the
general canopy size after packing as well as to threshold closing loop length values, and to the force required to pull the
reserve canopy deployment handle in the planned direction.
Contact Air-Pol in case of any doubt as to the canopy type compatible with your container.
The force required to pull the deployment handle shall be no less than 2.25 kg and no more than 9.9 kg in directions
ensuring easiest and most difficult deployment (± 45º from the most favourable direction), respectively
Connect the canopy with suspension lines and slider to harness/container risers following the canopy manufacturer’s owner’s
manual. Check the canopy-container alignment twice. Check for twisted and/or interwoven parachute canopy suspension
lines twice.
Components connecting the canopy to the risers are delivered with the parachute canopy.
If twisted links, such as French, or Rapide connector links are used, make sure that they have been twisted snugly and
correctly. Tighten them manually as hard as possible, then add a quarter turn with the aid of a tool (spanner). If connector
link casings are used, make sure that they are protected against sliding off the links.
If the canopy is delivered with soft links, follow the respective assembly manual delivered with the links.
Should you decide to connect the reserve canopy using soft links not delivered with that canopy or not offered by Air-Pol,
make sure that such links are duly certified for use in reserve canopy assembly.
Use correct (red) steering toggles appropriate for the harness/container system.
Check the reserve parachute canopy owner’s manual for information whether the manufacturer has specified a method of
connecting toggles to steering lines.
Steering toggles should be mounted at an identical distance from the parachute canopy on “telltale” markers on steering
lines. A different way of assembly may result in limitations to reserve canopy performance, and make canopy piloting more
Should a used canopy be assembled, special attention should be paid to whether steering line length is correct.
Prior to assembly, make sure that steering lines have been threaded correctly from the canopy through to guide rings on the
risers. Lines leading from the canopy should be free of twists and interweaving, and threaded through correct slider
grommets directly to riser rings. The right steering line shall be threaded through the right rear slider grommet to the ring on
the right riser. The same principle applies to the left steering line.
Should the steering line on the canopy to be assembled be equipped with a factory-fitted loop, it shall be threaded from
under the toggle through the grommet. Then the lower part of the toggle shall be threaded through the line loop. Finally, the
line shall be tightened on the toggle and grommet.
Should steering lines on the canopy to be assembled not be factory-fitted with loops, follow the instructions below when
assembling the canopy.
There are several methods of fastening steering lines to toggles, depending on the steering line type used.