LoadLifter 5000
1. The air spring must be installed between 5” and 8” from both the upper bracket to the
lower bracket (fig. 8). It is best to position the upper bracket as high as possible.
Failure to mount the air spring at the recommended height can result in the air spring
bottoming out.
The top rear mounting hole may be above the frame rail. If this condition exists, use the
two lower mounting holes to mount the bracket (fig. 8).
2. Set the air spring assembly on the leaf spring over the axle (fig. 8).
3. Position the upper bracket so that at least four bolt holes (two on each side) will be on
the flat section of the frame rail. Keep the edge of drilled holes no closer than
” from
the top or bottom radius of the frame rail.
4. In some cases, it may be necessary to use the optional spacers to achieve the 5”- 8”
space (fig. 8). For example, if only the top two holes contact above the lower radius edge
of the frame rail, it may be necessary to move up the spacers under the lower bracket
to achieve mounting height.
If you find that the lower bracket needs to set flat onto the leaf spring in order to achieve
the correct height and the stock u-bolts are too high to allow this, it will be necessary to trim
the stock u-bolts.
1. If the spacer is not used, attach the lower bracket securely using the provided U-bolts,
flat washers, and lock nuts. Torque nuts to 16 ft/lbs. See figures 1 and 9.
Use shorter U-Bolts when attaching to frame contact overload springs.
2. If the spacer is used, place the spacers legs down on the leaf spring and attach the lower
bracket securely using the provided U-bolts, flat washers, and lock nuts. Torque nuts to
16 ft/lbs (fig. 9).
fig. 9
Shorter U-bolt
Trim stock u-bolts
if necessary.
fig. 8
Lock Nut
to achieve proper
mounting height)
Flat Washer
Distance must be 5”- 8”
and equal on both
Upper and lower
bracket must be
Lower Mounting Holes
Trim stock u-bolts
if necessary.