Air Burners, Inc.
T-400 Air Curtain Trench Burner with Kubota V3600-TE Engine
Page 29 of 34
(Vers. 09.15)
The technician/operator of the unit must take special care not to damage the manifold.
Always load material from opposite the manifold. Do not drop logs on the manifold.
Do not hit the manifold with the excavator bucket. Do not allow the manifold to be posi-
tion directly in the flames.
If at any time it becomes necessary to load material from the same side of the pit
where the unit is placed, an assistant should help and warn the operator to watch for
the assistants signals at all times when approaching the manifold.
At no time should the loader’s wheels come closer than 6 inches from the manifold,
and when beginning to dump the load, do so slowly. If you see anything that might fall
on the manifold, you should stop and either re-position the loader or the load that is be-
ing carried, in order to keep the material from hitting the manifold as it is dumped into
the pit.
In view of the fact that we are dealing with a tremendous amount of heat when the unit
is operating properly, it is absolutely necessary to make sure the manifold is not hang-
ing over the edge of the pit (See Page 8 “How to Set up the Machine”). The manifold is
subjected to a great deal of heat during normal operations anyway, and if it is hanging
over the edge of the pit it is exposed to a minimum of three times the normal heat
which will cause severe deterioration of the manifold sections.
Warpage due to heat is
not covered under your warranty.