Air Burners, Inc.
T-400 Air Curtain Trench Burner with Kubota V3600-TE Engine
Page 27 of 34
(Vers. 09.15)
1. Daily check list:
A. Engine Oil level (top off as needed).
B. Engine coolant level (top off as needed).
C. Diesel fuel level in fuel tank.
D. Tap dirt out of air intake housing and check for excessive dirt.
Periodic Maintenance
A. Change engine oil and oil filter.
B. Clean/replace fuel filters (2) as needed.
C. Clean and inspect air filter and replace as needed.
D. Grease both air fan bearings every 200 hours.
E. Adjust and grease PTO per supplied Twin Disc Service Manual.
F. Clean debris off radiator.
G. Check alternator V-belt and adjust as needed.
H. Check cooling system belt for wear and tear. Tension is adjusted automati-
cally. See Service Page for installation instructions.
I. Check and inspect dual air fan belts for wear and tear. Tension should be
adjusted per procedure on Page 29 every 200 hours during scheduled
maintenance intervals. The initial adjustment should be checked at 50 hours.
Using a torque wrench with a socket 1 7/16” to fit the hex on the outside end of the
PTO handle, the engagement torques (measured at cross shaft) is 101-108 ft-lbs (or
137-146 Nm). The engagement torque should be checked at each oil change or every
200 hours. Refer to the NACD Service Manual, Section 3.5, should adjustments be re-
Consult both the supplied Kubota Engine Service Manual and Twin Disc PTO
Service Manual.
NACD Clutch (PTO) Adjustment: The clutch manufacturer advises that it is the re-
sponsibility of the owner/operator to maintain the correct PTO engagement pressure
and adjust it periodically to keep the NACD Manufacturer's Warranty in force. For de-
tailed instructions refer to the NACD Service Manual supplied with your Air Curtain
Trench Burner, especially Section 3.4.