Air Burners, Inc.
T-400 Air Curtain Trench Burner with Kubota V3600-TE Engine
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(Vers. 09.15)
A. Fire will not start
Material in the pit has too much air space. To correct this, load heavy waste material,
such as logs to pack down the material in the pit.
Material in pit is wet or green. Use more accelerant for initial lighting (do not add accel-
erant after the initial light off, as it may ignite unexpectedly on hot coals). Once lit add
material slowly, until you build good heat in the pit.
Material in the pit has too much dirt mixed in. Using the loader bucket or rake, drive
into the pit, if possible, then lift and drop the material to shake the dirt loose. If this
does not work, the pit will have to be cleaned out and repacked.
B. Fire burning at one end
Load finer more combustible materials between the area burning and the area that is
not. This will cause the fire to move in that direction. Only load light materials until the
fire is burning throughout the pile. Let the fire burn down to insure the bottom materi-
als are burning otherwise they will become trapped under additional loads and will
burn very slow.
C. Fire not getting hot
If your fire is not getting hot enough, you probably do not have enough material
packed on top of the pit. The pit must be packed tight or you will lose your heat into
the air.
D. Fire smoking too much
The most common reason for a smoking fire is too much dirt gong into the pit. You
must make sure the wood waste material is clean.
If you have overloaded the pit you will begin to smother the fire and it will cool down
and smoke. Only load fine highly combustible materials in small quantities to bring the
temperature back up. Once the fire is burning good, stop loading and let the fire burn
down some. It is important that ALL the materials in the pit will be burning. If you load
too fast you will smoother the fire and starve it for oxygen. This will cause smoke and it
will decrease your through-put.
A pit that is too wide will smoke, no matter what you do to improve it. The air flow can-
not circulate properly over and into a pit that is too wide. You should never attempt to
light a fire in a pit that is not built properly.