Air Burners, Inc.
T-400 Air Curtain Trench Burner with Kubota V3600-TE Engine
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(Vers. 09.15)
1. Burn pits are cleaned out when you either want to re-use it, or if required by local
2. When cleaning out the pit, it is important to minimize the fly ash. The easiest way
is to use water. Wet down the ash and then remove it.
3. Dirt can be used in place of water to help reduce the fly ash. Load dirt into the pit
on top of the ash then remove the ash and dirt together.
4. Ash should be removed from the pit from the up-wind end. Special care should
be taken to dump the ash from the loader bucket slowly in order to keep most of
the ash from becoming airborne. There will be hot embers and chunks of hot
wood some may even flare up when exposed to oxygen. Be very cautious during
the ash removal process. (See Caution Note Below).
When removing ashes from the pit, make sure
that hot ashes, embers, burning or hot material are not carried
by the wind or otherwise away from the pit to places where they
could start a fire!