Check the coolant fluid of water tank;add properly in case of shortage.
Check the battery electrolyte fluid level, it should be maintained above the plate
10~15 mm, should add distilled water shortage.
Check oil tank for shortage and add properly if required.
Check all parts of the diesel engine to be connected reliably and firmly, such as a
loose fastening.
When the engine is working,it should debar the malfunction ,such as “leakage of water,oil and
gas and adnormal sound
Clean away the dirts on the radiating surface of of water tank.
The first compulsory running-in maintenance
1.Check the level and leakage of the coolant fluid.; all joints of the water pipes for coolant fluid shall
have no leakage.
2.Check the battery. Verify positive and negative posts to be connected firmly and reliably and installed
properly and observe the surrounding of battery to confirm whether the electrolyte leaks.
3. Check the power steering fluid. Observe the level of the power steering fluid to be located between
the upper and lower marked scales and close to the upper limit.
4. Check the tightness and abnormal abrasion of the belt by sight.
5.Check all parts of the diesel engine to be connected reliably and firmly.