Trigger Subsystem
Series N6700 User’s Guide
GPIB device trigger, *TRG, or <GET> (Group Execute Trigger).
Selects an output port connector pin. Pins 1 – 3 can be configured as external
trigger sources. The [SOURce:]DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command programs
the function of each pin. The [SOURce:]DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity command
programs the polarity of each pin.
Selects the transient system of one of the output channels as the external
trigger source. The following commands are used to generate triggers from the
transient system: [SOURce:]STEP:TOUTput, [SOURce:]LIST:TOUTput:BOSTep,
and [SOURce:]LIST:TOUTput:EOSTep.
The *RST value = BUS.
TRIGger:TRANsient[:IMMediate], (@<chanlist>)
This command generates an immediate transient trigger regardless of
the selected trigger source. Output triggers affect the following
functions: voltage, current, and current limit. You must initiate the
output trigger system before you can send any triggers.
When sent, the output trigger will:
Initiate an output change as specified by the Current Triggered or
Voltage Triggered commands.
Clears the WTG-tran bit in the Status Operation Condition
register after the transient trigger sequence has completed.
TRIGger:TRANsient:SOURce {BUS|PIN<pin>|TRANsient<chan>}, (@<chanlist>)
This command selects the trigger source for the output trigger
system. The following trigger sources can be selected:
GPIB device trigger, *TRG, or <GET> (Group Execute Trigger).
Selects an output port connector pin. Pins 1 – 3 can be configured as external
trigger sources. The [SOURce:]DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command programs
the function of each pin. The [SOURce:]DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity command
programs the polarity of each pin.
Selects the transient system of one of the output channels as the trigger
source. The following commands are used to generate triggers from the
transient system: [SOURce:]STEP:TOUTput, [SOURce:]LIST:TOUTput:BOSTep,
and [SOURce:]LIST:TOUTput:EOSTep.
The *RST value = BUS.
This command generates a trigger when the trigger subsystem has
BUS selected as its source. The command has the same affect as the
Group Execute Trigger (<GET>) command.