Status Subsystem
Series N6700 User’s Guide
This command programs the Standard Event Status Enable register
bits. The programming determines which events of the Standard
Event Status Event register (see *ESR?) are allowed to set the ESB
(Event Summary Bit) of the Status Byte register. A "1" in the bit
position enables the corresponding event.
All of the enabled events of the Standard Event Status Event Register
are logically ORed to cause the Event Summary Bit (ESB) of the
Status Byte Register to be set. The query reads the Standard Event
Status Enable register. The bit configuration of the Standard Event
register is as follows:
Bit Position
7 6
5 4 3 2
Bit Value
32 16 8 4
Bit Name
PON = Power-on has occurred
CME = Command error
EXE = Execution error
DDE = Device-dependent error
QUE = Query error
OPC = Operation complete
This query reads the Standard Event Status Event register. Reading
the register clears it. The bit configuration is the same as the
Standard Event Status Enable register (see *ESE).
The command is mainly used for program synchronization. It causes
the instrument to set the OPC bit (bit 0) of the Standard Event Status
register when the instrument has completed all pending operations
sent before the *OPC command.
Pending operations
are complete
All commands sent before *OPC, including paralleled commands,
have been completed. Most commands are sequential and are
completed before the next command is executed. Commands that
affect output voltage, current, or state, relays, and trigger actions
are executed in parallel with subsequent commands. *OPC
provides notification that all parallel commands have completed.
All triggered actions are completed
*OPC does not prevent processing of subsequent commands, but the
OPC bit will not be set until all pending operations are completed.
*OPC? causes the instrument to place an ASCII "1" in the Output
Queue when all pending operations are completed. *OPC? does not
suspend processing of commands.