Chapter 7: Replaceable Parts
Replaceable Parts Ordering
Parts listed
To order a part on the list of replaceable parts, quote the Agilent Technologies
part number, indicate the quantity desired, and address the order to the nearest
Agilent Technologies Sales Office.
Parts not listed
To order a part not on the list of replaceable parts, include the model number and
serial number of the module, a description of the part (including its function),
and the number of parts required. Address the order to your nearest Agilent
Technologies Sales Office.
Direct mail order system
To order using the direct mail order system, contact your nearest Agilent
Technologies Sales Office.
Within the USA, Agilent Technologies can supply parts through a direct mail
order system. The advantages to the system are direct ordering and shipment
from the Agilent Technologies Part Center in Mountain View, California. There is
no maximum or minimum on any mail order. (There is a minimum amount for
parts ordered through a local Agilent Technologies Sales Office when the orders
require billing and invoicing.) Transportation costs are prepaid (there is a small
handling charge for each order) and no invoices.
In order for Agilent Technologies to provide these advantages, a check or money
order must accompany each order. Mail order forms and specific ordering
information are available through your local Agilent Technologies Sales Office.
Addresses and telephone numbers are located in a separate document shipped
with the
Agilent Technologies 16900-Series (or 16700-Series) Logic Analysis
System Service Manual
Exchange assemblies
Some assemblies are part of an exchange program with Agilent Technologies.
The exchange program allows you to exchange a faulty assembly with one that
has been repaired and performance verified by Agilent Technologies.
After you receive the exchange assembly, return the defective assembly to
Agilent Technologies. A United States customer has 30 days to return the
defective assembly. If you do not return the defective assembly within the 30
days, Agilent Technologies will charge you an additional amount. This amount is
the difference in price between a new assembly and that of the exchange
assembly. For orders not originating in the United States, contact your nearest
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