light. If the wheel is too far to the left, the left indicator
will light. If the steering wheel is stopped exactly dead
center, the highbeam indicator and both turn signal
lamps will light.
• The ProCal module will allow the user to perform a
proper alignment without having to use the dealer
diagnostic tool.
• This feature is typically only used on an alignment
rack. The only way to exactly correlate the wheels
and the steering wheel is to complete the process
when the tires are physically lined up.
• This feature will not “program” anything. It only
shows you where 0º is on the actual sensor. Often
times when the steering wheel is disconnected it
will be reinstalled a complete revolution out, this
routine will also help diagnose that.
• If the function is not terminated properly, the
lights/indicators may remain stuck on or off. Be
sure to exit the mode properly by enabling either
turn signal before removing the module. If a
clean exit does not occur, plug the module back
in, enable the turn signals, and then remove the
module. This can also be reset by removing and
reconnecting the Positive (+) battery terminal.
Consult the Quick Reference Guide and set
the DIP switches accordingly. With the ignition on and
engine off, plug the module into the ODB port. Use the
indications to center the wheel. To exit the mode, activate
either the right or left turn signal, and then remove the