PRO225LM Hardware Manual
PRO225LM Linear Motor Stage (continued)
Cable Management (Required)
No external CMS, motor/feedback connector bracket on carriage
External CMS for single axis
External CMS for lower-axis of two-axis PRO (XY) assembly
External CMS for lower-axis of two-axis (XZ or XT) assembly
External CMS for upper-axis of two-axis PRO (XY) assembly
External CMS for upper-axis of two-axis (YZ or YT) assembly
External CMS for lower-axis of three-axis (XYZ or XYT) assembly
External CMS for lower-axis of three-axis (XZT) assembly
External CMS for upper-axis of four-axis (XYZT) assembly
External CMS for lower-axis of four-axis (XYZT) assembly
Lifting Hardware (Optional)
Lifting hardware
Lifting option only available on travels 300 mm and greater. Lifting should never by ordered on the upper-axis of an XY set
(only order on lower-axis)
ThermoComp™ (Optional)
ThermoComp™ integrated thermal compensation unit, single or lower axis
: An A3200 controller must be used with the -TCMP option
Metrology (Required)
No metrology performance plots
Metrology, uncalibrated with performance plots
Metrology, calibrated (HALAR) with performance plots
Accessories (To be Ordered as a Separate Line Item)
Non-precision XY assembly
Non-precision XZ or YZ assembly
XY assembly; 10 arc sec orthogonality. Alignment to within 7 µm orthogonality for
short travel stages.
XZ or YZ assembly with L-bracket; 10 arc sec orthogonality. Alignment to within 10
µm orthogonality for short travel stages.
XY assembly; 5 arc sec orthogonality. Alignment to within 3 µm orthogonality for
short travel stages.
XZ or YZ assembly with L-bracket; 5 arc sec orthogonality. Alignment to within 5
µm orthogonality for short travel stages.
Chapter 1