Aeroplanes DAR ltd.
Brief Flight Manual DAR – Solo
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Upon reaching the speed of V=60-65 km/h smoothly
proceed to climbing at a speed of V
=2-2.5 m/s.
At a H=50m decrease vertical speed to 0.5-1.0m/s and
retract the flaps.
Reduce the RPM-s down to 6800 and continue climbing at a
speed of V=80-85 km/h and V
Turns along the pattern are done with banks of up to 30°,
decreasing the vertical speed to V
=0.5-1.0 m/s and applying
power to increase the RPM by 500 before each turn.
In flight the RPM-s keeps 6800.
A speed of V=90-100 km/h is the cruise speed for a
horizontal flight.
The maximal airspeed under turbulent atmosphere is V=121