Aeroplanes DAR ltd.
Brief Flight Manual DAR – Solo
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Take Off
Start taxiing to the runway and stop on the center line. Apply
the brake. Set the flaps to 11°. Look around the cockpit from left
to right. Check the instruments. Smoothly push the throttle to
maximum position. Wait untill the engine reaches maximum RPM,
be sure it works well and ease off the brakes.
In the first part of the take off run keep the heading by using
the pedals.
Do not use brake during take off!
When the speed increases above 20-25 km/h, the airplane
starts to “obey” the rudder, too. Motion with pedals has to become
slower and more careful. At a speed of 30-35 km/h ease pull the
stick slightly (up to ½ of its move) . The nose wheel lifts smoothly
(15-20 cm) with the increase of the speed to 40-45 km/h.
Continue the run on two wheels up to a speed of V=50 km/h and
pull the stick lightly “clear the free-play”.
Upon reaching the speed of V= 55-60 km/h take off the
airplane from the runway and hold angle of climbing.