combination with backward CG position at low speed the pitch stability can
be not enough for climbing in turbulent conditions. So do not use that
mode for climbing.
4.5. Using flaps
The Phantom has flaps deflection range 0~55deg. After full flaps deflection
trim speed is decreased by 8~10 km/h and speedbar moves backward by
150 mm.
The 0 deg. flaps is the best glide ratio and min sink ratio configuration.
The 15-20 deg. flaps is the climbing configuration – glider has best control
with good sink ratio
Big flaps deflection angles are not recommended for climbing due to
substantial increase in sink speed and decrease in glide ratio. These big
angles can be used for landing and quick descent.
4.6. Landing
As the Phantom is a high performance glider, you should land only up the
wind and avoid going downhill. Phantom requires thorough handling during
For landing it is recommended to use from half flap up to full flap
Make sure RWG is OFF. That is not allowed to land with RWG ON.
That is not allowed to do big flare up. In case of big flare there is high
possibility to hit the ground with the tip and damage the tip.
Keep the wings level, speed the glider up slightly and fly right down till the
altitude is 0,5 - 0,8 m from the ground to the speedbar. At this altitude
decrease descent rate by pushing slightly on the control bar. When you feel
the glider unresponsive to the bar movement, quickly ease the bar out all
the way before your feet touch the ground. With a good sharp final thrust,
the sudden increase in drag will slow the glider very suddenly and you will
land softly. In zero wind conditions you will make few steps to stop the
REMEMBER. Do not ease the bar out with surplus speed! It leads to sudden
flare up and falling. It is much better not to move the bar out at all, than
move it too early.