The minimum operating spaces must be
guaranteed, to allow:
• the positioning of the canalisation of the
intake and expulsion air;
• the passage of the electrical power supply
• the maintenance and cleaning operations to
be carried out correctly.
In particular:
• there must be a space of at least 200mm in
correspondence with the condensate dischar-
ge point, for the drain-trap (more detailed
instructions can be found on the label atta-
ched to the discharge point itself);
• a space of at least 400mm is required in
correspondence with the water coil collec-
tors, to install the valve;
• for routine maintenance operations (visual
inspections, fi lter replacement and cleaning),
there must be a space of at least 1000mm.
The air conditioning units of the TDA range
are supplied on pallets and packaged in car-
dboard boxes.
Transportation must be carried out with the
following precautions:
• the load must be well blocked on the lor-
• the load must be suitably protected.
Upon receipt of the unit, an initial visual
check must be made for any damage resul-
ting from transportation. If damage is disco-
vered, this must be highlighted on the ac-
companying travel document.
The units of the TDA range must be sto-
red under cover.
The essential indications for the correct
installation of the equipment are given be-
The fi ne details of all the operations depend
on the specifi c requirements however, and
are therefore left to the installer's experien-
The unit is supplied complete with support
brackets for wall or ceiling assembly.
The brackets can be assembled with the
bend pointing inwards or outwards.
For other types of assembly, the indications
below should be modifi ed according to the
specifi c on-site requirements.
In any case, you are advised to fi x the bra-
ckets to the ceiling fi rst of all (using wall
plugs or threaded tie-rods), then fi x the
units to the brackets.
In the case of vertical installation, the
screws for fi xing the unit to the brackets will
rest in the shorter part of the slots.
To fi x the unit to the wall, proceed as fol-
- position the template where the machine
is to be installed;
- mark the four holes for the wall plugs,
using the cardboard template supplied;
- prepare the fi xing means (wall plugs or tie-
- fi x the brackets to the wall or ceiling, using
nuts, washers and locknuts;
- attach the unit to the brackets, using the
4 side screws;
- in the case of horizontal installation, befo-
re tightening the screws, nuts and locknuts
check the condensate is correctly dischar-
Finally, you are advised to apply a slight in-
clination towards the discharge point, to aid
the fl ow.
Air conditioning unit -
TDA range
Selection, installation, use and maintenance manual
Minimum operating spaces
Unit installation